Monday, February 2, 2009

pengkalan chepa.

pengkalan chepa.. its about 536km from here. here meaning monterez..XD
damn.. its so far away. im so sorry for my parents who would have to travel 1000+km just to send me. huh.

anyway, im gone by 9th feb.. goodbye guys.. im gonna miss u'all. i'll try to keep in touch with all of u.. sab, experiment tu, u nk jlnkn sorg2, u bwt la ek. but, i'd agree to what uve said, cm salah jer hypothesis tu. haha. XD dayana, gud luck on solving the 4x4. ghee XD

hope it all would be just fine.=)(=


  1. Gud luck. In the wise words of my Modern Math teacher, Pn. Zaini; jangan balik! haha... Gud Luck... enjoy ur days there. i have a feeling you'll cope... especially w/ Batrisyia there. ;) hehe...

  2. syaz..jgn lupa keep in touch taw..xleyh bwk fon..mail kn stil kna always keep in touch,k..tke cre of urself msa kat sna..n cngrats..

  3. congratz...and yeah 1000km+ ulang alik...bayangkan sebulan ko ulang alik 2 kali..
    2000km..and cuba bayangkan setahun...

    11 X 2000 = 22000KM (TAK MASUK BULAN 12)

    bleh jalan satu dunia :D


    jgn luper aku gak :)


    Good luck k. Although I'm your classmate for like just one month, im sure 4 Epsilon will be..urm. well, not the same as it was.

    So all the best being there aite. Oh, and continue your awesomeness Bomba there tau! :DD

  5. SYAZWAN , putri nur sabrina tu ade blog tk ? NAK BOLEH TAKKKK ? :)

  6. I MISS YOU ALRDY :( gaaaaaaaaaah
