Wednesday, September 8, 2010

selamat hari raya everybody..

hey guys. its been very long since i last blog.. huh.
3 months i think. yeah. so, im going back to my kampung tomorrow.. quite excited to meet with my family.

im not gonna update much right now cuz, i've got to pack my bag tonight. according to our plan, we're going to hit the road at 7 in the morning. hehe.

destination : Johor Bahru
estimated time arrival : 10 a.m.

before writing off, i would like to wish everyone, my friends especially, Selamat Hari Raya... Maaf Zahir Batin.. If I had done anything wrong, please, please, please forgive me..

enjoy ur Raya and holidays guys!

1 comment:

  1. Regarding your comment, yeah, I guess. But at least, we sort of didn't do that often last time (as in when we were younger). Now? It's getting out of hand. I was watching the news yesterday and they were giving reports on the Ops Sikap, how many crashes, percentage of causes, etc. and they said "kondisi jalan raya yang basah". Wth? Kondisi? What's wrong with keadaan. I feel that this phenomena is, as they say, menjadi-jadi. Just my opinion.
