Thursday, August 11, 2011


brape ramai yg berpuas hati ngn setiap result exam, kuiz atau apa2 jer jenis test? tk ramai. barangkali, tkde pn..

nk cerita nyer, aku baru dpat result yg paling teruk aku pernah dpat dalam 7 bulan (7 bulan? asal aku rasa cm dh lama dah..?) aku duk
uia nieh.. 12/20 dlam kuiz taxonomy n homeostasis. kalau nk ikutkn, aku tk puas hati sbab aku bleh dpat 14.. tp, nk dpat tinggi lagi, mmg tk la knn.. the thing is, topik ni mmg susah.. haha.. imagine, kena tahu almost all the basic classification of organism and some of the homeostasis in the human body for only 20 questions.. cm, those 20 questions could be anything from examples of angiosperms which could be anything of the thousands of flowering plants to the simplest question of "what phylum is the elephant classified in?".. nk hafal satu2 scientific name tuk semua plant ker ? oh, itu tidak mungkin.. 

jadi dua careless mistakes yg aku buat tu sgat la rugi.. tp, tkleh nk buat ap dah.. aku terpaksa berpuas hati ngn markahku ini.. bagi yg pernah pergi program motivasi TAKE CHARGE, kita perlu cakap, "jangan membangau lagi..!" haha..

dalam hal yg lain, TCA baru jer baru jer lepas.. yg tk thu ap benda TCA tu, bleh la google yer.. hmm. some of the awards;

  • Choice Movie Actress Romantic Comedy: Emma Stone, "Easy A."
  • Choice Web Star: Rebecca Black.
  • Ultimate Choice Award: Taylor Swift.
emma stone in Easy A.. cm best jer.. hehe. gonna watch that movie soon. yg lain, cm expected la..

for full list go here.


  • the quizzes for biology takes up 5% carry mark for the final exam.. this quiz will be totaled up with other quizzes which i did quite well, Alhamdulillah, for that 5%.. so, kalau la ad sesapa yg risau terhadap diriku ini, don't be.. InsyaAllah, i can do well for this semester.. :D
  • my midsem examinations results are out.. i'd done excellent i think. i haven't received my computer results though.
  • there's something fishy about this post. try to figure it out.. :D it has something to do with my previous post.

i am currently listening to What Are Words, by Chris Medina.. lagu yg mmg best..

p/s: aku tk tgk pun TCA tuh.. just update sape mnang jer.. :P


  1. ohoiiii, sejak bila kau pandai ber-belog niii :P

  2. :DD hehe.. meh la join skali..
